Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Heartbreaking Reality

Not sure if you guys have heard about this one - children grow up.

I do not have children. Hubby and I decided years ago that the world would be no worse in the absence of human Butler Brats, but could possibly be worse with the addition thereof. So I don't know first hand the excitement and heartbreak of raising a child.

I do, however, know how heartbreaking it is to watch a child you love grow up. My sister has two beautiful daughters. I am their only aunt - for the most part their only extended family period. I consider being an aunt to be one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me. Being a part of Mirney and Carebear's lives is a wonderful privilege. I watched them play t-ball as little bitty girls; watched them perform in the city's dramatic society. I've gone to band and orchestra concerts, Girl Scout dance recitals, helped to sell cookies and raffle tickets. I've taken them shopping, taken them to get their hair done or to get a makeover. I've taken them to see sandcastles on the beach. They made beautiful additions to my bridal party. I have not been in their lives every day, but I like to think that I have at least been a fixture in their lives.

I was a junior in high school when my oldest niece, Mirney, was born and was pretty much still a child myself. She was a wee tiny little thing at 21 inches yet less than 6 pounds. When Mirney was about 13 months old, my sister brought her family back to Houston and moved in "down the road a piece" from my mother and myself. Carebear was born just nine months later. We were constant babysitters. :-) I have tons of fond memories of throwing them in the air as children, taking them to parks and playing silly games on the living room floor.

How is any of that heartbreaking? Last Sunday, Mirney turned sixteen. She's still a funny and silly girl (which I TOTALLY love and hope she never outgrows), but she isn't so much into sitting on the floor playing silly games anymore. She doesn't believe the crazy, whacked-out stories I make up anymore. In just a few short years, she will be old enough to vote and will be going off to college and to start her own life. Her baby sister will be just 22 short months behind her. They've gone from being kids I carried on my hip to kids that are taller than I am. From having sweet little rolls of baby fat, to being elegantly thin and statuesque young women. Where'd the time go?

Mirney was a such a TINY baby!

Carebear, known in my family as the mini version of me. :-)

The two most beautiful kids in the world! (I am NOT biased!!)

Mirney on the left, Carebear on the right.
Now two of the most gorgeous and sweet young ladies ever...

One with their very, very short aunt...

And last, but not least, one that makes my heart warm and fuzzy...
TREEHUGGERS!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm Ba-ack!

I have no excuses. I am merely a slacker. I have been putting off updating the blog simply because I didn’t want to try to remember what all we’ve been up to. So! I’ve decided not to give you a blow by blow of the last month and a half and to merely pick up as if my last entry was made yesterday. I swear that I WILL post the Heartattack On A Plate recipe (with pictures), but it’s not going to be today. :-)
The garden is for the most part in shambles right now. We’re in a bit of a drought down here in the Houston area and watering the whole garden daily is just not plausible. The jalapenos are still growing like gangbusters as are the bell peppers and the new set of corn. Everything else is screaming in agony and praying for rain. I can’t tell you how disappointing that is, because before the onset of the ridiculous heat and lack of water, the garden was doing SO WELL!! I miss my little backyard oasis. :-( Hopefully the heat will slack off soon and I can start planning a fall garden.
You may or may not remember that our house was damaged during last year’s hurricane Ike. Our roof FINALLY got replaced this past weekend – just eleven short months after Ike blew through. Since Hubby and I are planning to move to the “the big house” next spring, we are currently working on a long list of fixes for the current house. Right now we are painting the exterior of the house. I was amazed at how exhausting that is. Of course, I’m sure that is directly related to the aforementioned scalding heat.
So, the next few weeks will be busy weeks with most of our weekend time devoted to house projects. Hubby and I will then be going to Germany for a few weeks! The last three or four years, we have dreamed of a trip to Germany (me because I’ve never been to Europe, Hubby because he wants to go to Munich’s Oktoberfest). After watching the rate for the tour we wanted to take go up steadily over the years, this year we decided to just bite the bullet. :-) It might not be the smartest way to spend that much money right now, but it’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make.
So that’s where we’re at right now. Hopefully over the next couple days/weeks, I can post more about the fun stuff we’ve been up to (brewery events, Broadway shows, baseball games, etc). I seriously hope the slackerism is behind me now. :-) Sorry I let you down!