Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Angels and Demons

It has occured to me more than once that I have a bipolar relationship with my pets/kids/Brats. When I talk about them it is either with eyes brimming with love and adoration or snapping with anger and frustration. Like all parents (I don't care if my "kids" have fur!), I have to love my angels, even when they're being demons...

Rion likes to lay on the back and sides of our sofas...and drool...DEMON! He's also my Big Barker...
Tiki, also known as the Tiki-Demon and/or Chupacabre (google it) has earned her nicknames. This cat is into everything...at all hours...
My very, very good friend Lil' Boss's dad had given me an article about gardening/goats/chickens from the paper. Wormie ate it. He also likes to wee on my floor when he's angry...
But look how cute my little Chupacabre is when she's sleeping!!! So soft and warm and fuzzy!
This is our other cat Wiggle. You'll probably never see her again. WE hardly see her. How can she be a bad cat when we never see her?
OMG! What a cute Worm! Schnitzel is the KING of looking cute to get out of trouble.
The absolutely Perfect,Precious, and Pretty Princess Pooh. Abbey has all kinds of faults, but Hubby and I are both pretty blind to them.
My little angel. Stinky is my bud. He's the only one of my dogs that acts like a dog and I love him so much for being true to himself.

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