Thursday, October 6, 2011

Challenge Days Four, Five and Six (I Suck, I Know)

Day four of the Photo Challenge is "something green." Most people would take a picture of a shade of green, but being a Treehugger afterall, I decided on something environmentally green! This is my recycling bin at work. It's just the top from a paper box, but it does the trick beautifully. I have to empty this bad boy at least once a week because (working for a government agency), there is a lot of waste in my building and my job process. Some things MUST be printed. And everything printed comes with a coversheet with my name on it. I am also a sticky-note whore. I burn through Post-Its. "Hi, my name is Treehugger and I am a Post-It addict." I'm working on it. In the meantime, I print everything possible double-sided to save paper.

Day Five of the Photo Challenge: From a High Angle
This is a model of the International Space Station. It is on the first floor of my building and I enjoy looking at it. I work on the 4th floor, so this is about the best view I have unless I want to go wondering about the building (I don't). This picture was taken using my phones 4X zoom feature. I can only imagine how ghastly the quality will be. The purpose of this challenge (to me at least) is not about the quality of the pictures taken, but about getting back into what used to be a habit. So sorry for the horrid picture!!


Day Six: From a Low Angle
This picture, from the floor of the breakroom at work, represents my survival technique. Without coffee, life is crap. ;-) This Italian Roast has been considered by some in my little coffee club to be too strong a roast. As I was the only one drinking from the pot today, I made it even stronger and bolder by using more scoops than usual. Pretty sure no one else drank any as I haven't seen any overly-hyper people around the office today. Come to think of it, I'm not overly-hyper myself and I had 23 ounces of it...

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